
Saturday, March 25, 2017


Hasil pertemuan antara Sekutu dan Markas Besar Tentara Keamanan Rakyat, pada 9 Januari 1946 disimpulkan sebagai berikut :
  1. The minutes of the meeting held at this Headquarters on 9 January 1946 are forwarded for your information.
  2. The following decisions were made :
A. A P W I
  1. The Indonesians would start evacuating all APWI from their present locations at once.
  2. That they would all be evacuated to Batavia.
  3. That the Indonesians would be responsible for delivering them over to the Allies in Batavia in good order, and would make all arrangements for their transportations, security and feeding en route. 
  4. That the Allies would guarantee that these APWI would not be armed after being handed over.
B. Japanese
  1. That both of Allies and the Indonesians were anxious to evacuate the Japanese from Java as soon as possible.
  2. That all their arms and equipment would either be destroyed under the Allied supervision in the interior of Java, or would be handed over to the Allies at the concentration port or ports. That in the latter case the Indonesians might send representatives to see that all arms and ammunition were correctly destroyed by the Allies and not handed over to anyone else.
  3.  That the handing over control of Semarang or Surabaya was not possible.
  4. In views of point (3) above that if the Indonesians found it too, difficult to hand over the Japanese at Semarang and Surabaya, the Allies would receive them in Batavia.
  5. That the Indonesians representatives would discuss points (3) and (4) with their confederates and return with their agreement or further proposals on January 1946.

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